4.4 acres of workable farmland for rent/lease in Windsor, ON
About this property
Long-term Lease * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Cropland
We are annexed as part of City of Windsor for property taxes and are considered farmland.
Current Use: Cropland
Price amount: $ 4500.00 per Annually
5 acres
Farm for lease all 8 acres or can be subdivided for growing crops, vegetables etc
About this property
Long-term Lease * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Pasture * Vacant Land The property is mainly clear with brush and bushes on one acre that can be cleared with a bush hog and wood chipper or shredder. Can negotiate free rent for first 2 months in exchange for clearing the brush
Current Use: Pasture * Vacant Land The property is mainly clear with brush and bushes on one acre that can be cleared with a bush hog and wood chipper or shredder. Can negotiate free rent for first 2 months in exchange for clearing the brush
Electricity: Electricity at barn will have to take extention and pay for electricity used and any electrical work to take Extention
Equipment Storage: Can use part of barn for storage for additional rent
Price to be negotiated
Please do not ask if you can live or camp on the land as this is a farm land not zoned for living or camping. Price is $100 per acre per month or $500 per month for the eight acres per month.
8 acres