Workable acreage
Possible arrangements
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Farmland For Rent in the Township of Georgina
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Long-term Lease * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Vacant Land
Price to be negotiated
This is vacant land and it has never been worked on.
17 acres
York - undefined
Lands in yellow can be farmed
Clarence Rockland - 61 Acres Farmland - Short term - Free to Farm
About this property
Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Cropland
Price amount: $ 0.00 per Acre
This land is in the process of being transitioned for development purposes and is available to be freely farmed in the mean time. It has been actively farmed and we are looking for someone else.
61 acres
Prescott and Russell - undefined
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30 acres in Mount Albert, East Gwillimbury (Hwy 48 / Boag Road)
About this property
Long-term Lease * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Cropland
Price to be negotiated
30 acres of farm land on lot avail for HAY (previously corn). No cannabis growing! Looking for yearly repeat renter. Text/email intro before calling as unknown numbers ignored due to spam.
30 acres
York - undefined
81 acres for rent
81 acres Lakeshore Ontario for rent
About this property
Long-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: Yes
How many acres is the entire farm, including non-workable land?: 81 acres
Current Use: Cropland
Price to be negotiated
81 acres for rent located in Lakeshore.

Flat, open and easy road access.

Please contact for more information.
81 acres
Essex - undefined
This is one of 3 crop areas. This had some tilling. We are now minimal or no till. We are also a research farm (PhDs aiming to farm better!)
Organic Market Garden in Collingwood; FREE land / greenhouse use *ask me*
About this property
Business Partner * Business Succession * Crop-Share * Profit-Share * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Pasture * Cropland * Market Garden
Water: Well water / sprinklers + irrigation from natural springs in the forest pumped using energy from solar panels
Electricity: Collingwood
Greenhouse: Two NEW small greenhouses 8X8 and 25x30 to start seeds, use throughout season for lettuce/microgreens
Equipment Storage: Smaller equipment is ok, we are mostly manual or electric (low pollution), aiming to be limited gas powered. No vehicles, maybe a tractor.
Price amount: $ 0.00 per Acre
This farm is in Collingwood. I am open to discuss any projects! But it is essential to be organic + 100% plant-based fertilizer (no animal waste, blood, bone meal etc)
6 acres
Simcoe - undefined
Overlooking the farm, gardens in bloom, lilacs etc
Farm Incubator-land, housing, machinery & capital for minority ownership
About this property
Business Partner * incubator-type of arrangement, where we we provide farmland farming resources for minority ownership of your new enterprise. Operation should be scalable & transition to new property in 5 years.
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Pasture * Managed Forest * Vacant Land We operate an art business and tourist accommodation on the farm. Maintaining a neat, beautiful farm is KEY.
Housing: Farmer must reside on farm. A starter tiny home will be provided, and no rent will be due. The farmer can also bring or build their own, larger tiny home)
Water: good well
Livestock fencing: Old fencing, needs repair. Barn not suitable for livestock. Interested in agritech applications to livestock like wireless grazing (goats, weed control, etc)
Electricity: 30 amp hookup for tiny home. Also available in barn.
Equipment Storage: currently limited, but intending ot expand
Price to be negotiated
We are an Canadian/African household looking for strong business plans in areas like: agritech, "ethnic" crops especially from diaspora, woodland perennials, artisanal forestry. New Canadians WELCOME.
10 acres
Frontenac - undefined
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8 acres farm land for rent short or long term
About this property
Long-term Lease * Short-term Lease
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Are you offering the whole farm?: No
Current Use: Pasture * Market Garden * Vacant Land
Equipment Storage: You can place shipping container for storage of shipping
Price to be negotiated
The property can be subdivided into smaller 1 acre lots if you want. The property is in Simcoe County and nee
8 acres
Simcoe - undefined